Cody Collins - The Renovator

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Introducing one of our oldest members of capital hatters, Mr. Cody Collins. Cody works in the back with Ray Johns. Collins creates new custom-made hats, while also renovating older hats.

Cody Collins

Summary: Introducing one of our oldest members of capital hatters, Mr. Cody Collins. Cody works in the back with Ray Johns. Collins creates new custom-made hats, while also renovating older hats.

         Cody Collins’ hometown is Abilene, but he came to Stephenville to attend college at Tarleton. His major is criminal justice. Along with criminal justice Cody takes a big interest in team roping. Cody says he loves it here- which is saying a lot because Cody doesn’t say he loves much. He explains to us that he is in love with the fact that he has the ability to make something beautiful out of scratch. He believes in finishing the product from absolute start to absolute finish. Building custom hats is one thing but being a local business and doing all of the hard work that comes with building a felt hat in the back of your shop? Now, that is pure hard work in its finest form. Cody says it’s an amazing thing to partake in when only a few dozen custom hat shops in the United States what do we do. “It’s an amazing thing to be a part of a dying art” he says and that’s 100% true, not very many hat shops build everything by themselves. At Capital Hatters from start to finish your hat is completely done in the back of the shop, and always, always build with 110% effort and care.

         Cody says not only does he like his job because of his boss, but he has met so many amazing people that want to come in and order a hat or renovate one they already have. Cody says he has met actors from famous western – such as Lonesome Dove, and a hand full of famous professional ropers, bull riders etc.… Cody has always been a hard worker, he started when he was in college waiting tables and went from that to selling tractors, but you can tell he absolutely adores what he does now by the way he talks about it.

         Cody Collins is Capital Hatters very own class a clown, everyone loves him- and I think he just might love everyone back, though he’d never in a million years admit it. He and Ray Johns have a great time in the back.  They act much like close brothers. You can walk back anytime of the day and if they aren’t swamped with work you can always join in on the fun they have teasing each other.  Ray- another worker at capital hatters says this about Cody “working with Cody is a ‘love hate relationship’” Their relationship is nothing shy of hilarious and home felt, we all say they have a ‘bromance’. Ray also says “the first year I worked here I tried to figure out if Cody liked me…. And I’ve spent the last 3 years trying to figure out whether or not I like him.” Despite what they may say about each other there’s an unsaid understanding that they both enjoy working with each other. They appreciate one another through poking fun. Cody is an essential part of Capital Hatters, he brings a light-heartedness to the table that every close family needs. And we all know that Capital Hatters would not be the same if Cody were not in it.


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